Android studio fragment changes on phone orientation change
Android studio fragment changes on phone orientation change

  • Update TitlesFragment to detect if the device is displaying both fragments simultaneously and change behavior accordingly.
  • android studio fragment changes on phone orientation change

    Create an alternate layout to display both the TitlesFragment and PlayQuoteFragment.The following modifications will build upon the work that was done in the Fragments Walkthrough - Phone Updating the app to handle landscape orientation Phones that are running in landscape mode will also benefit from this enhancement: The next step in this walkthrough is to modify the application to take advantage of the extra horizontal space on tablet – there will be one activity that will always be the list of plays (the TitlesFragment) and PlayQuoteFragment will be dynamically added to the Activity in response to a selection made by the user:

    android studio fragment changes on phone orientation change

    The Fragments Walkthrough – Part 1 demonstrated how to create and use fragments in an Android app that targets the smaller screens on a phone.

    Android studio fragment changes on phone orientation change